Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Communication & Mutual Problem Solving

Hello readers!

     On a scale of one to ten, how important do you think it is to have good communication in a relationship? I personally would give it a ten, maybe even an eleven. Good communication is vital to any relationship no matter what stage it is in. If you break it down communication is at the center of all relationships. When you meet someone for the first time you get to know each other through casual conversation. You might find out that you have similar hobbies or interests with this person, or maybe you have a friend in common, but you can’t find these things out with out communicating. Of course, this kind of communication is far different than communication between a married couple. Married couples have a commitment to each other, and part of that commitment is working together to solve their problems or any situation that might arise.

     My wife and I try our very best to have good communication. We are always trying to work together when it comes to decisions in life. Some of these decisions are big, like where to live, and where to go to school, while others are small, such as what to have for dinner. Many couples think that it is only necessary to work together on big decisions, but I have found that it is much easier to work together when you are already ding it on smaller things. I am grateful for my wife and for the great communicator she is.

     I am a strong believer that if a married couple does not have good communication skills between each other then this causes many unnecessary problems. For example, if you are on a tight budget as a family and one of the spouses goes and buys a big flat screen TV because it is black Friday and it was a good deal, and they never discussed it with the other spouse, then things are probably going to get really hairy really quick. But if the couple sits down and budgets out how they can afford that amazing TV, then there are no misunderstandings because the decision was made mutually.

     My wife and I have made “rules” for us so things like this don’t happen. Whenever we are going to buy something, we always let the other one know. This helps prevent stress through poor budgeting and healthy communication. This also helps to keep us on task and accountable. It is so easy these days to buy things online, and before you know it, you have spent double what you had planned to. But if you have someone besides yourself who you are accountable to, it helps you stay on target.

     The things I have talked about pretty simple ways of having good communication. Of course, there are always harder situations to have good, open communication, but by practicing with the small things it makes it so much easier to talk about the even bigger and harder things. I know that communication is a necessity in a relationship. Without it there is no doubt that the relationship will fail. I f you don’t have the greatest communication skills in your relationships, I urge you to improve them. It is never too late to improve your communication skills and habits to improve your relationships. I promise that if you are more open to communicate, that your relationships will improve. Sure, for you introverts out there it might be tough, but it will be so worth it, trust me, I am an introvert as well. I have no problem sitting in silence, or not talking to people, but when it come to those who are important to me, it is worth it to communicate effectively.
Thanks for reading! Hope this helps you out somehow!

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